Bank Account Data - Bank Selection UI

Bank Selection UI

This guide explains how to create end-user-facing UI to select the end-users bank.

Step 1: Find Banks

First, query institutions endpoint to get a list of all available financial institutions in a given country.

curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN"


[ { "id": "ABNAMRO_ABNAGB2LXXX", "name": "ABN AMRO Bank Commercial", "bic": "ABNAGB2LXXX", "transaction_total_days": "540", "countries": [ "GB" ], "logo": "" }, [...] { "id": "REVOLUT_REVOGB21", "name": "Revolut", "bic": "REVOGB21", "transaction_total_days": "730", "countries": [ "GB" ], "logo": "" }, ]

Step 2: Create a UI element

You will need to create a UI or any other mechanism for selecting the end user's bank. To build the UI element you can either:

Here are some considerations if UI is built from scratch:

  1. Have a clear call to action e.g. "Select your bank".
  2. Include additional support text if necessary. It's twice more likely that the end user goes trough Open Banking journey if the value proposition is stated clearly.
  3. Show available banks. Considerations:
    • Show both logo and a name of a bank;
    • Sort banks in alphabetical order or by popularity;
    • You can list all available banks in a given country or select only those ones that are used by your customer base;
    • Instead of listing the banks, show banks in a grid form if the bank list is not extensive.
  4. Add a bank search bar for better UX.
  5. Use styles that fit with the rest of your application.

Step 3: Add Institution ID association

Once the end user selects their bank, make sure to pass the correct Institution ID when building the requisition and the link to start the end-user authentication process with the selected financial institution (see step 4 in the Quickstart Guide).

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