BankID Scenario simulators

BankID Scenario simulators

BankID is the electronic identification and signature mechanism for Autogiro. To be able to use BankID’s identification and signature features users must install the BankID app on a mobile device or PC. They also need to order a BankID from their bank. BankID has been developed by a number of large banks for use by members of the public, authorities, and companies.

In the sandbox environment, we provide BankID scenario simulators which allow you to simulate success and failure verification paths based on the specific customer email format. Simulation works without sending an actual verification request to the BankID provider.

Simulation of verification paths

Enter the customer email based on the scenario you need to simulate in the Email textbox. Payers are no longer required to enter Swedish Identity Number. This will be gotten from BankID and it will be shown to the payer on the confirmation page.


Email format






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