CLI Reference

gc update

updates the requested resource


This will call the update api for the requested resource and updates it in GoCardless This command uses the `--data` (or `-d`) flag to construct the data payload for the request. Otherwise you can use `--editorName vim`, then you can enter json and exit to submit. See a list of possible resources from the GoCardless API Reference:
gc update {resource} [flags]


# update a subscription's name. gc update subscription SB1234 -d name=SUB # update a subscription with editor # opens vim prompt and then you can enter json data. gc update subscription SB1234 --editorName vim


-d, --data stringArray Data for the API request --editorName string Pass an editor to read data from. -h, --help help for update

Options inherited from parent commands

--config string config file (default is $HOME/.gc-cli/config.json)


  • gc - A CLI to help you integrate GoCardless with your application
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