Tools: Scenario Simulators
Scenario simulators
When you’re building an integration with the API, there are some common paths you should make sure your integration handles successfully, for example, a customer cancelling their mandate or a payment failing due to lack of funds.
In the sandbox environment, we provide scenario simulators that allow you to manually trigger certain cases so you can test how your integration responds. These are available in the Developer section of the dashboard and through the API.
Dashboard-triggered scenarios
Dashboard-triggered scenarios are started from your Dashboard. Just head to the "Developers" tab on the left-hand side, and then click "Simulate a scenario".

Choose a simulator from the dropdown (for example, "Payment paid out"). Then you'll see more information about that scenario, detailing exactly what will happen and anything you need to know before using it (for example, some scenario simulators are incompatible with every scheme).

Enter the ID of the resource you want to run the simulator on, and then click "Simulate scenario". If there's any problem, for example, we can't find the resource or it isn't compatible with the scenario you've chosen, we'll let you know.
You can use Dashboard-triggered scenarios to try all of the cases supported by the name-triggered scenarios below, plus a few extras (for example, creditor verification status, useful for partners).
API-triggered scenarios
You can trigger simulators via the API. Check out the API documentation for more information.
Name-triggered scenarios
Name-triggered scenarios are scenarios started by using special customer names. For example, if you create a customer with the given_name
“Successful”, their mandate will be activated immediately, and their payments will be paid out straight away.
All the relevant events and webhooks will be created and sent for these simulators.
Customer | Description | What happens on mandate creation | What happens on payment creation | Schemes supported |
Successful | The customer’s payment is collected successfully and paid out to you. | The mandate is marked as | The payment is marked as | ACH, Autogiro, Bacs, BECS, BECS NZ, Betalingsservice, PAD and SEPA Core |
Penniless | The customer’s payment can’t be collected, for example, because they don’t have enough money in their account. | The mandate is marked as | The payment is marked as | ACH, Autogiro, Bacs, BECS, BECS NZ, Betalingsservice, PAD and SEPA Core |
Fickle | The customer’s payment is collected successfully, but is then charged back by the customer disputing it with their bank. | The mandate is marked as | The payment is marked as | ACH, Autogiro, Bacs, BECS, BECS NZ, Betalingsservice, PAD and SEPA Core |
Late | The customer’s payment can’t be collected, but the bank informs us of the failure later than normal. | The mandate is marked as | The payment is marked as | ACH, Bacs, BECS, BECS NZ, and SEPA Core |
Invalid | The customer’s mandate can’t be set up because their bank details are rejected by the banks as invalid. | The mandate is marked as | N/A | ACH, Autogiro, Bacs, BECS, BECS NZ, Betalingsservice, and PAD |
Expired | The customer's Bacs or SEPA mandate has expired because no collection attempts were made against it for longer than the scheme's dormancy period (13 months for Bacs, 15 months for BECS and Betalingsservice, 3 years for SEPA). | The mandate is marked as | N/A | ACH, Bacs, BECS, BECS NZ, Betalingsservice, PAD and SEPA Core |
Switching | The customer has an existing Bacs mandate which is transferred to another bank account using the UK’s Current Account Switching Service. | The mandate is marked as | N/A | Bacs only |
Instalment Schedules
The states of instalment schedules are simulated using either a special customer given_name
, or a special name
for the instalment schedule. Refer to the table below for more information about how you can simulate completed
, errored
, and creation_failed
Instalment Schedule | Customer | Description | What happens on instalment schedule creation |
N/A | Successful | All payments belonging to the instalment schedule are successfully collected. | The instalment schedule is marked as |
N/A | Penniless | Payments belonging to the instalment schedule cannot be collected. | The instalment schedule is marked as |
Faily | N/A | Instalment schedule will fail with payment creation error message: must be on or after mandate's next_possible_customer_charge_date. | The instalment schedule is marked as |
Payer Name Verification
A No Match Payer Name Verification scenario can be simulated following the Billing Request Flow on Sandbox. At the collect_bank_account_details step if the following details are used, the Account holder name does not match bank account details provided error will appear on the screen.
Account Holder Name
| Sort Code
| Account Number
No Match | 200000 | 55779911 |
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